Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Alphabet Challenge: Bold Titles with Alphas by Piali

Hello Doodlebug Fans!!
Piali here ...sharing a fun layout using various Doodlebug Alphas.
I love the great variety of Alphabet stickers Doodlebug makes, super adorable fonts, great sizes and a tons to mix and match!!

Here is a layout about my younger one and my puppies. She loves dogs!!!

For this layout I used various paper collections, doodlepops, stickers and of course variety of Alphabet stickers.

New skinny letters are my favorite, comes in yummy colors !!

I also used phrase stickers from various collections.

Did you spot the cute puppy sticker???
Its from Happy Go Lucky collection, I just added a rhinestones and some stars to it!!

Thanks for stopping by..
Have a happy Crafty day!!


  1. Such a great layout! Love your bold title and the fun cutting file you used to show off your photos and paper! :)

  2. So, so fun and she used some great touches to make this an awesome layout!! That template with all the circles for the pics and embellishments really makes this page a class act!! So fun and so very impressive!! Great job, Piali!!!

  3. love the decorated alphas. Pinned to Scrapliftable Ideas @thebeachygal

  4. Pinned to my doodlebug board i must try this idea thanks for the inspiration

  5. Adorable page! I love the different alphas you used in your title and how you embellished them (especially love the sun pinned this (as meredeena -

    Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring!

  6. Pinned ( and shared on FB (
    Awesome way to get a lot of pics just on one page!

  7. Pinned this too!


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