Sunday, July 1, 2018

Red, White & Blue Inspired Cards using Vellum | with Virginia

Happy July! I dug into my Yankee Doodle collection stash and challenged myself to just use the sprinkles vellum paper along with some ephemera to create my cards.  The sprinkles vellum is 'da bomb' as it adds a beautiful sheer texture with delicate raised shiny stars to the cards!

This camper card would be great for anyone you know embarking on a camping road trip or heading up to their trailer for the Summer.

Send a wagon load of 'Thank-you's to that special someone, they will surely appreciate your kind sentiments!

Lastly, I couldn't resist dipping into the Down On the Farm collection for the moo-valous cow doodle pop to make this fun Birthday card!

Thank you for stopping by and please have a safe and happy Independence Day.


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