To start, I used three pieces of chipboard measuring 4" x 6" for the covers, along with a spine piece that measures 6" x 1". To cover the chipboard, I chose the Limeade Buffalo Check - Wood Grain paper from the Over the Rainbow Petite Print assortment, which measured 10 3/4" x 7 1/2". I left about 3/4" of space all around the chipboard, and for the spine, about 1/8".
Next, I used double-sided tape to attach the paper to the chipboard. I then cut each corner at an angle, about 1/8" using a miter tool, and folded all the edges in over the chipboard. To cover the inside of the chipboard, I used the Shine Bright paper, cut to 9 1/4" x 5 3/4".

Next, I moved on to making the pages. For the first page, I created a pocket. I used the Bubblegum Floral Graph paper, measuring 8" x 8". I scored it at 2" from the bottom, then cut at an angle about 1" in on the inside to create a folder-like look.
For the second page, I used the Spring Garden paper, cut to 6" x 12". I scored it at 4" and 8". The orange with white polka dots mats measure about 5 3/4" x 3 3/4", which can easily accommodate 3" x 4" or 3" x 5" photos.

On the third page, I used the Flower Garden paper, which measured 10" x 6". I scored it along the longest side (10") at 8" to create a side pocket. I embellished this page with a Magical word Chit Chat and Icon Stickers. I also added some fun tags from one of my favorite papers in the collection, Shine Bright, along with mini icons and some sprinkles across the pages.

For the cover page, I matted it with the Over the Rainbow paper, measuring 3 3/4" x 5 3/4". I layered this with the Citrus Floral Graph paper cut to 5 1/4" x 3 1/4", and added a welcome tree from the odds & ends collection. I included the Hello Sunshine Doodle-pop and the adventure Chit Chat.

Lastly, I stitched my pages using my sewing machine along the spine, but you can also hand-stitch them if you prefer. Enjoy crafting your mini album!
This is so bright and adorable!