Showing posts with label Locker Caddy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Locker Caddy. Show all posts

Friday, August 16, 2013

Back to School: Getting Organized with Tya & Wendy

School is in session and it's always more fun if you're a organized. Here's two darling ideas from Wendy and Tya. Tya's "Locker Caddy" is made from Doodlebug Cardstock and has magnet strips on the back to make work in any stylish girls locker. Then the darling Desk Set from Wendy would be perfect at home, the office or school. What a darling way to gift some of the necessary items for any Grade A student!!

Locker Caddy 
by Tya Smith

Desk Set & Office Supplies
by Wendy Sue Anderson 

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