Showing posts with label Mix & Match Challenge: 4th of July Home Decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mix & Match Challenge: 4th of July Home Decor. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Mix & Match Challenge: 4th of July Home Decor

Helloooooo out there!! This is Courtney Lee from Court's Crafts here with a 4th of July home decor project!

 We were tasked with a "mix and match" challenge of blending the lines and showing off how well Doodlebug coordinates. Check. it. out. I used Stars and Stripes, Patriotic Parade, Santa Express, one of the graduation lines, and one of the valentine lines. The base of my circle was the pinwheels. I provided links to all the products below! :) 

What really makes this project special is the use of doodle-pops. I am a bonafide doodle-pop hoarder. (eek!) But... I thought - if I use them on home decor then I can look at them ALL the time! :) I used 6 different sets of doodle-pops in this project! :) (Puffs up chest) I'm so proud of myself!  

This was pretty fun... I got this idea very late into the project and actually changed ALL of my background paper plans to accommodate it. I cut a thin circle from blueberry cardstock and covered it with blue jean sequins. In real life it gives this project suck great texture and sparkle!

There is a lot of other hidden sparkle on this project. See that mini pinwheel? The white is all glitter! You can really see it on the American flag in the bottom right corner of this picture.

I added some doodlebug staples here like the mini paper clip and I used some old star brads - LOVE these in the centers of my big pinwheels. 

Here it is all together! I am really really excited to have this for years to come. I tried to add a lot of detail hoping that my kiddos would have a really good time looking at all of it and hopefully their kids will look at it too someday!  

I hope this inspires you to grab all of your doodlebug out, make a HUGE mess of your craft room like I did, be surrounded by crafty goodness, and then make something amazing with it! All doodlebug lines coordinate since they have a base set of colors - it's GENIUS. 

this and that: stars and stripes (3764)
mini clothespins: winter (4438)
doodle-pop: red, white, and blue (3010)
doodle-pop: air mail (3690)
mini doodle-pops: fire cracker (3692)
mini doodle-pops: soda pop (3691)
mini doodle-pops: spinners (3693)
mini doodle-pops: bluejays (3628)
icons: patriotic parade (4312)
icons: stars and stripes (3770)
fancy frills: patriotic parade (4313)
teensy type: blue jean (3433)
sequins: blue jean (4263)
star brads: red, white and blue (3676)
mini pinwheels (3760)
mini paperclips: christmas (4493)
sprinkles: graduation stars (4276)
sprinkles: ladybug hearts (4294)
boutique buttons: blue jean (2477)
cardstock: blueberry (3397)
cardstock: lily white (3402)
12 x 12 shadow box in white (2216)

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