Showing posts with label Spring Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spring Garden. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring Garden Collection: Hello Sunshine Layout by Melinda

Can you believe how fast we are flying through the year with another month almost over and yet I seem to be lagging behind in the day to day running of my life. Time needs to slow down... especially time procrastinating over layout design. I tend to sit and stare at my craft mat, draw little sketches, rummage through product, re-arrange my tools, get another drink, stand on my head, pray for lightning to strike with a bright idea! Sometimes the brain just doesn't want to play so I head to Pinterest for inspiration and quite often I will find myself scrolling through cakes... yes, it's possible I'm hungry too! 

Isn't this cake just the prettiest thing? Actually, to be honest, I didn't really see the cake for what it was becuase I was too busy eyeing off the design. And then the lightning struck and I had a plan.

After drawing up a quick sketch I sectioned my layout into four and recreated the floral and sprinkle design for each photo. I decided to go with a monochromatic theme for each pic as there was enough flowers on the 'Spring Garden - Icon' sheet to accommodate four different colours.

Another nice surprise from the Spring Garden collection was the alpha stickers added to the icon sheet... however I will admit that I changed the heading twice before I settled on 'Hello Sunshine'.

- Spring Garden Icons Stickers
- Spring Garden This n That Stickers
- Blossoms Sweet Rolls Mini Icon Stickers
- Spring Garden Patterned Paper
- Fruit Stripe Patterned Paper
- Bright Assorted Matte Sprinkles

Thanks for stopping by today and may you enjoy the last day of March for 2016.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

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